Japan’s all-female Jewels promotion held its first event outside of Tokyo tonight at Jewels: “19th Ring.” The card took place at Azalea Taisho Hall in Osaka and was headlined by a Jewels Lightweight Queen Championship battle between Ayaka Hamasaki and Yuka “Vale Tudo Queen” Tsuji.
In tonight’s MMA co-feature, Jewels Featherweight Queen Champion Naho “Sugi Rock” Sugiyama faced Yasuko “Ikuko” Tamada in a non-title rematch from 2010, while Sachiko “Sachi” Yamamoto took on Sadae “Manhoef” Suzumura. MMARising.com has live play-by-play for the card from Osaka.
52kg Jewels Lightweight Queen Championship – 3×5
Ayaka Hamasaki vs Yuka “Vale Tudo Queen” Tsuji
Round 1:
Referee for this bout is Kenichi Serizawa. The fight starts and Hamasaki is moving quickly. They clinch against the ropes and Hamasaki rips Tsuji to the ground and lands in side control. She quickly gets to the crucifix position and then tries for a keylock. Hamasaki can’t get it and remains in side control. Tsuji hips out and grabs half-guard.
Hamasaki threatens with another keylock and tries to pass the half-guard but Tsuji holds on. Hamasaki manages to pass and lands in the scarf hold position. She gets a crucifx again and throws hammerfists to Tsuji’s face. Hamasaki now tries for a Kimura and has it deep. Tsuji rolls, but Hamasaki keeps her hold on the Kimura and gets the tap.
Winner: Ayaka Hamasaki by Submission (Kimura) at 3:41 of round one. She improves to 7-0-0 and remains the Jewels Lightweight Queen Champion.
47kg Jewels/Deep Kickboxing Tournament Final – 3×2
Momoka vs Akari Nakamura
Round 1:
They circle and circle early on. Momoka blocks a head kick and misses a counter. In the final three seconds, Momoka lands a straight right. Very uneventful first round.
Round 2:
More of the same in the second round. About a minute in, Nakamura lands a head kick but it doesn’t do much. The fighters simultaneously land hooks. Nakamura gets wild towards the end of the round but misses every shot. They clinch and the round ends.
Round 3:
There is more circling for the first minute of the final round. Both throw kicks, but all are blocked or checked. They start to let loose in the second minute. Nakamura lands some hard hooks. The fighters let haymakers fly and both eat punches until the end of the round. Scores are 30-30 across the board, so we go to an extension round.
Round 4 (Extension Round):
They trade punches early in round four. Nakamura lands a head kick, then eats a one-two. Back against the ropes, Nakamura hits a hard left hook and eats a straight right. More circling. Momoka lunges in with straight rights every now and then and Nakamura does nothing.
Winner: Momoka by Unanimous Decision (10-9, 10-9, 10-9) after one extension round and four rounds overall. She becomes the Jewels/Deep Kickboxing Tournament Champion.
48kg Jewels Special MMA Rules – 2×5
Naho “Sugi Rock” Sugiyama vs Yasuko “Ikuko” Tamada
Round 1:
Referee for this bout is Kenichi Serizawa. Sugiyama begins the fight with a Yellow Card for missing weight. The fighters circle each other, with both throwing combos but not landing much. Sugiyama clinches against the corner and works for a takedown. She picks Tamada up and double-legs her down away from the corner.
Sugiyama postures her hips up, but Tamada is keeping her guard high and tight. Tamada passes one of Sugiyama’s arms and goes for a triangle. Sugiyama slips the arm back in and Tamada grabs it. She tries to switch for an armbar but can’t get it. Sugiyama breaks free and lands in half-guard, where she stays until the bell.
Round 2:
The fighters circle for a bit in round two. Sugiyama clinches and gets a trip takedown into half-guard. She tries to pass to mount and gets her foot caught. Sugiyama finally takes mount and throws two punches. Tamada rolls and Sugiyama takes her back. She flattens Tamada out, but can’t keep one hook in. Sugiyama grapevines the other leg for stability. Tamada rolls and Sugiyama alternates between back control and mount for a bit.
Sugiyama switches to side control and throws punches. Tamada hips out and gets to her knees. She tries for a single-leg but grabs the far leg and can’t get anything. Tamada eats a storm of hammerfists to the face before she gets wise and grabs the closer leg. Still no luck and she is hit with more punches. Tamada gets to her feet and they clinch in the corner. Sugiyama tries for more takedowns but can’t get them. Referee Serizawa breaks them up and the round ends.
Winner: Naho Sugiyama by Majority Decision after two rounds. She improves to 8-0-0.
48kg Jewels Official MMA Rules – 2×5
Sadae “Manhoef” Suzumura vs Sachiko “Sachi” Yamamoto
Round 1:
Referee for this bout is Kenichi Serizawa. The fighters circle for a few seconds until Yamamoto gets backed up to the ropes and shoots for a takedown. Suzumura sprawls and hooks her arms in. She rushes Yamamoto up and starts to knee her head. Yamamoto drops to a knee and there is no action, so referee Serizawa stands them up. Yamamoto eats some punches and shoots again. Suzumura sprawls, so Yamamoto pulls guard and rolls for an armbar. Suzumura escapes and they stand. Another lazy takedown from Yamamoto and a sprawl by Suzumura before the bell.
Round 2:
The second round starts and Yamamoto tries for another takedown but is stuffed again. She tries a switch, but only manages to make it to half-guard. Suzumura works a cross-knee pass and lands in the scarf hold position. Yamamoto rolls, but Suzumura retains her position. She switches to North-South and tries for a Kimura, but has no luck. Yamamoto escapes and they stand again. Yamamoto attempts a somersault kick, which does little but confuse Suzumura. Yamamoto capitalises and shoots a double. She takes Suzumura down, but gets pushed up against the ropes before the round ends.
Winner: Sadae Suzumura by Unanimous Decision after two rounds. She improves to 3-1-1.
53kg Jewels Official MMA Rules – 2×5
Mika “Future Princess” Nagano vs Anna Saito
Round 1:
Referee for this bout is Yuichi Tanaka. Nagano throws jabs and clinches early on. Saito throws a knee that Nagano catches and turns into a double-leg takedown. She lands in side control and quickly takes mount. Nagano works for a triangle choke, but Saito rolls. Nagano keeps knee-on-belly position and switches sides. She spins for an armbar and gets the tap.
Winner: Mika Nagano by Submission (Armbar) at 1:50 of round one. She improves to 9-7-0.
46kg Jewels Official MMA Rules – 2×5
Yukiko Seki vs Yuko Kawabata
Round 1:
Referee for this bout is Yuichi Tanaka. Seki ducks under a few punches and clinches against the ropes. She gets double underhooks and hits a takedown, landing in half-guard. Seki has no luck passing and Tanaka calls for action before standing them up. Another Seki takedown and more half-guard work with no success. The fighters are stood up again. Kawabata loses her balance and lazily rolls for a kneebar. Seki avoids it and lands in North-South. She starts to work for an armbar, taking her time, and extends it in the final ten seconds. Kawabata escapes and lands on top as the round ends.
Round 2:
Seki gets a takedown in round two and lands in side control. She tries for a spin-around armbar, but Kawabata is keeping her arms tight. Seki peppers her ribs and thighs, but loses position and the fighters stand up. Kawabata misses a spinning backfist and Seki takes her back. Kawabata rolls for a kneebar and Seki slips out. Another takedown from Seki into half-guard. She works for a Kimura and has it deep, but the bell cuts her short.
Winner: Yukiko Seki by Unanimous Decision after two rounds. She improves to 11-21-0.
47kg Jewels/Deep Kickboxing Tournament Semi-Final #2 – 2×2
Momoka vs Kaoru Chatani
Round 1:
Momoka comes out as the aggressor, throwing one-two straight combos. She chases Chatani around the ring and tries for a spinning backfist but comes up short. Chatani lands a push kick that puts Momoka against the ropes, but she bounces off and hits a spinning backfist. Momoka lands the same leg kick, one-two combo a few times before the round ends.
Round 2:
Wild swinging to start round two. Momoka lands another backfist. There is patient circling for a bit until Momoka starts to land one-two combos. She bounces off of the ropes again and eats a straight right. More one-twos and kicks score for Momoka until the bell.
Winner: Momoka by Unanimous Decision (20-18, 20-19, 20-19) after two rounds. She advances to the Jewels/Deep Kickboxing Tournament Final.
47kg Jewels/Deep Kickboxing Tournament Semi-Final #1 – 2×2
Akari Nakamura vs Megumi
Round 1:
Nakamura opens the fight with a hard body kick that is blocked. She starts to land big haymakers and Megumi backsteps and lands weak jabs. More wild punching. Megumi is on the advance now with pillow jabs and eats a ton of hooks to the face. Nakamura switches up and hits the body hard. She lands a knee and continues to batter Megumi’s face.
Round 2:
The fighters come out for the second round and Nakamura begins smashing Megumi’s face again with hooks. She catches a lazy kick and hits Megumi with a big hook that wobbles her. There is more wild swinging from both girls, but Nakamura has much more power. They each take turns landing straight punches and the round ends.
Winner: Akari Nakamura by Majority Decision (20-18, 20-19, 20-20) after two rounds. She advances to the Jewels/Deep Kickboxing Tournament Final.
59kg Jewels Official MMA Rules – 2×5
Mayumi “Super Benkei” Aoki vs Keiko Tomita
Round 1:
Referee for this bout is Kenichi Serizawa. The fighters circle early on. Tomita backs up to the ropes and they clinch. Aoki gets double underhooks and hits a takedown, landing in side control. Tomita works to escape but Aoki switches her hips and maintains position. Aoki postures up for an armbar and Tomita uses her legs to scissor Aoki’s head. Aoki pops her head out and works for the armbar. Tomita tries the head scissors again and fails, and Aoki extends the armbar for the tap.
Winner: Mayumi Aoki by Submission (Armbar) at 2:06 of round one. She improves to 6-8-0.
47kg Jewels Amateur Kickboxing Rules – 2×2
Fuka Tokuda vs Ayaka Nishina
Round 1:
The fight starts and both girls swing wild. Nishina seems to be a bit more choosy with her shots and lands leg kicks after her combos. In the final minute, Nishina starts to land her combos pretty well and scores with a hard leg kick that staggers her opponent.
Round 2:
More wild swinging for the first minute of round two. Tokuda lands three clean front kicks that back Nishina up to the ropes, where she eats a few hooks before regaining centre ring. The fighters continue to trade big punches until the bell, but Tokuda seems to be getting the better of it.
Winner: Fuka Tokuda by Majority Decision (20-19, 20-19, 20-20) after two rounds.
50kg Jewels Amateur Junior Kickboxing Rules – 2×2
Mamu Nagata vs Juri Anyouji
Round 1:
Both girls come out swinging. Nagata lands a few crisp leg kicks and both fighters wing punches. Each is landing here and there. Lots of clinching follows and Anyouji dumps Nagata to the mat. Anyouji eats jabs to the face but lands body kicks in return. More swinging and missing from both before the bell rings.
Round 2:
Big haymakers from both girls in round two. Nagata is relying more on her kicks, though. She lands the first hard shot of the fight with a counter kick to the body and eats a hard jab immediately after. Both girls become a little more passive and start to pick their shots a bit more. Nagata lands another clean body kick and both fighters start swinging wild again.
Result: Majority Draw (20-19 [Nagata], 20-20, 20-20) after two rounds.
38kg Jewels Amateur Junior Kickboxing Rules – 2×2
Reina Nishina vs Nanae Morishita
Round 1:
Nishina comes out throwing punch-kick combos and lands multiple kicks to the body. Morishita clinches and the referee splits them up. More clinching follows. Morishita blocks a couple of head kick attempts and slips in some counterpunches. She hits a spinning backfist and Nishina lands one more body kick before the bell.
Round 2:
It’s more of the same in the second round. Nishina slips in wild punches and eats a few counters in the process. Morishita attempts another spinning backfist but misses and eats a body kick. More strikes are exchanged before the round ends.
Winner: Reina Nishina by Majority Decision (20-19, 20-19, 20-20) after two rounds.
[…] Full play-by-play and results for all fights on the card, including the one-night Jewels/Deep kickboxing tournament, is available here. […]