Helen “Iansã” Peralta vs Caitlin “Ginger” Sammons
Round 1:
Referee for this bout is Marcio Laselva. Both fighters were cautious on the feet during the opening two minutes. Peralta eventually landed a one-two and Sammons clinched after countering with a right cross. As the clinch battle continued, Peralta put Sammons against the cage and both women landed knees to the body. Sammons could not break free from the clinch, but she continued to land short knees to Peralta’s midsection. Peralta responded with two knees of her own before time expired. Uneventful round. 10-9 Peralta by a slim margin due to control.
Round 2:
Peralta landed a stiff jab and just missed with an overhand right in round two. Both women landed leg kicks and Peralta easily stuffed a takedown attempt. Sammons landed a hard right hook, but Peralta was unfazed and answered back with one of her own. Sammons jabbed and ate a straight right from Peralta. Sammons then clinched, but Peralta reversed it and she landed knees to Sammons’s body while holding her against the cage. The round ended with an exchange of knees to the body. 10-9 Peralta.
Round 3:
The fight returned to a clinch early in the final round and Peralta once again held Sammons against the cage. Sammons tried to reverse position, but Peralta had double underhooks and she kept Sammons in place while peppering her with short knees and left hands. Sammons finally reversed the clinch two minutes into the round, but she could not get Peralta down. Sammons tried to pull guard in the final minute, but Peralta stayed on her feet and the fight ended in a clinch. 10-9 Peralta, again due to control.
Winner: Helen Peralta by Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) after three rounds. She improves to 4-2-0.
Marisa “Spider Monkey” Messer-Belenchia vs Katie “Queen of the North” Saull
Round 1:
Referee for this bout is Nick Berens. Saull jabbed early in the fight and she used them to set up straight left hands that snapped Messer-Belenchia’s head back. Messer-Belenchia struggled to find her range and Saull continued to pick her shots with jabs and a step-in knee to the body. Messer-Belenchia tried to land right hands over the top of Saull’s jab, with limited success, Saull continued to circle to her right while landing jabs as Messer-Belenchia’s face turned red. Messer-Belenchia landed a leg kick before the bell. 10-9 Saull.
Round 2:
Saull countered a leg kick with a straight left hand to begin the second round. Messer-Belenchia clinched, but she was unable to do anything with it against the cage and the fighters exchanged punches as they separated. Messer-Belenchia closed the distance and clinched again. She landed a knee to the body and Saull broke free. From a distance, Saull stayed light on her feet and jabbed while moving from side to side. Messer-Belenchia tied her up in another clinch and threw short right hands to the body. She followed with another knee and kept Saull pinned against the cage. 10-9 Messer-Belenchia.
Round 3:
Messer-Belenchia attempted a takedown in the final round, but Saull defended and Messer-Belenchia fell to her back. Saull took top position, but Messer-Belenchia attempted a triangle choke from the bottom and that prompted Saull to stand up. Messer-Belenchia followed and a brief clinch followed. After the fighters separated, Messer-Belenchia walked Saull down and landed a handful of right hands before clinching again. In the final 30 seconds, Messer-Belenchia chased after Saull with punches once more. Close round. 10-9 Messer-Belenchia.
Winner: Marisa Messer-Belenchia by Split Decision (29-28, 29-28, 27-30) after three rounds. She improves to 4-1-0.
Natalie Salcedo vs Katie “Maquina Asesina” Perez
Round 1:
Referee for this bout is Nick Berens. Salcedo landed a knee as Perez shot in for an early takedown, and she took top position in side control. Perez got back to full guard as Salcedo struck from the top. Salcedo avoided a heel hook attempt and postured up with punches. Perez tried for a second heel hook and Salcedo spun free. She remained on top in Perez’s half-guard and then passed to side control. Perez scrambled up against the cage and pushed Salcedo to the ground. Salcedo framed up a triangle choke from the bottom and she adjusted her positioning to tighten the choke. Perez countered by using her heel to push on Salcedo’s jaw, and the pressure was enough to force Salcedo to release the choke. She switched to an arm-triangle choke late in the round and Perez countered with an armbar after escaping. 10-9 Salcedo.
Round 2:
Salcedo stuffed a takedown in the second round and she trapped Perez in a front choke. Perez stood up and escaped the choke, then took Salcedo down into full guard. Salcedo quickly attacked with another triangle choke, but Perez kept both arms in and that allowed her to escape. Salcedo impressively swept from the bottom and wound up on top in mount. Perez gave up her back and then rolled to her side. Salcedo rolled with her and Perez took top position in Salcedo’s guard. In the final minute, Salcedo locked on another triangle choke and she threw elbows to the top of Perez’s head. 10-9 Salcedo.
Round 3:
The final round began with a takedown from Salcedo, who worked from side control until Perez got a leg in and got to butterfly guard. Salcedo took her back in a scramble and nearly had a Twister setup before Perez rolled to her side. From the bottom, Perez attempted a modified triangle choke, but Salcedo quickly escaped and the fighters stood up. Salcedo landed a knee and Perez tried to pull guard with a guillotine choke. Salcedo escaped on the way down and both women attempted leglocks. Salcedo threw punches to Perez’s face and then followed with elbows from the top in side control. 10-9 Salcedo.
Winner: Natalie Salcedo by Unanimous Decision (30-26, 30-26, 30-27) after three rounds. She improves to 1-0-0.
Kayla “Danger” Yontef vs Carlene Chandler
Round 1:
Referee for this bout is Marcio Laselva. Yontef immediately took Chandler down and she threw left hands to Chandler’s face as Chandler rolled to her knees and briefly stood up. Yontef dragged her back down and passed to mount. Yontef landed elbows from the top, but Chandler shrimped back to half-guard and then scrambled up to her feet. Yontef stayed on Chandler’s back and landed a knee as Chandler turned into the clinch. The fighters separated and both landed right hooks. Yontef initiated another clinch and she secured a takedown into Chandler’s half-guard. Chandler kicked her off and Yontef stood over her. The round ended with Yontef dropping elbows to Chandler’s face. Dominant 10-8 for Yontef.
Round 2:
Chandler opened the second round with a combination and Yontef responded by tripping her to the mat. Chandler stood up momentarily, but that allowed Yontef to take her back and she pulled her down to the ground again. From the top, Yontef landed punches to Chandler’s face. She mounted Chandler and landed a series of punches. Chandler gave up her back as Yontef continued to strike with punches and elbows. After a final salvo of punches, the fight was waved off.
Winner: Kayla Yontef by TKO (Punches) at 3:13 of round two. She improves to 1-0-0.
Shout out to our sponsored athlete Kayla “Danger” Yontef for her win on her debut in this event. Lot’s of love from XMARTIAL family! We’re proud of you!