Exclusive Interview With Strikeforce Title Challenger Hiroko YamanakaOn December 17th, Japanese star Hiroko “Cat’s Eye” Yamanaka takes on the toughest test of her MMA career. The 5’11” Yamanaka faces champion Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos for the Strikeforce Women’s Featherweight Championship at the Valley View Casino Center in San Diego, California.

Yamanaka has tasted defeat only once; a loss that she avenged last year. Training with UFC veteran Kuniyoshi Hironaka at Master Japan has led to improvements in Yamanaka’s striking and ground game. She speaks with MMARising.com about her Strikeforce debut and representing Japan.


Hiroko Yamanaka (12-1-0) debuted in mixed martial arts in 2006. After one amateur fight, she entered the pro ranks and went on to win her first four fights in the former Smackgirl promotion. Yamanaka suffered her first and only defeat in 2008; a late-fight submission loss to Hitomi Akano. The setback motivated Yamanaka and she made changes to her training in order to develop new skills. Yamanaka went on to post a perfect 7-0 record in Smackgirl’s successor, Jewels, and has finished three straight opponents. She makes her Strikeforce debut as a significant underdog, but believes in her skills and hopes to bring championship gold back home to Japan.


Note: Phrasings changed slightly during translations for clarity and context.


MMARising.com: Hiroko, you have wanted to fight Cris Cyborg in Strikeforce for quite a while now. What are your thoughts on finally getting to face her?

Hiroko Yamanaka: First, I’m very glad to have this opportunity to fight overseas. It is also my honour to face the person who is considered as the strongest female fighter in the world. That being said, my goal is to win so I can end this year on a happy note.

MMA RISING: HIROKO選手は以前からクリス・サイボーグへの挑戦を希望されていらっしゃったわけですが、実際に対戦することになった今のお気持ちを教えてください。

HIROKO: まず海外進出出来る事が嬉しいです。世界のリングで今一番強いと言われる人と出来るのは嬉しい、でも、私も海外進出して試合で勝つの事が目的なんで、勝って年末締めくくりたいです。


MMARising.com: Are you excited to be able to fight in the United States for the first time?

Hiroko Yamanaka: Yes! At first I couldn’t believe it’s really happening, but now I’m getting more and more excited every day.

MMA RISING: 今回が初めてのアメリカでの試合となりますがやはり楽しみですか?

HIROKO: はい、初めはあんま実感わかなくて嬉しいとかゆうのがなかったんですが、日にちが近づいてくると、だんだん緊張感も出てきてドキドキワクワクです。


MMARising.com: You are a star in Jewels in Japan. Do you feel that you will be representing Jewels and Jewels fighters when you face Cyborg?

Hiroko Yamanaka: Yeah, that’s right. I was able to get a lot of experience at Jewels events, and they opened the door for me to fight overseas. I want to win not only for myself, but to PROVE the potential of Japanese female fighters.

MMA RISING: HIROKO選手は現在、日本のジュエルズというプロモーションの看板選手のお一人であることは間違いありません。サイボーグと対戦するにあたってやはりその代表として戦うといった意識をお持ちだったりするのでしょうか?

HIROKO: そうですね、今までジュエルスで沢山試合経験を積ませてもらって海外進出につながったので、勝って日本の女子格つえーんだぞってアピールしたい!!


MMARising.com: Cyborg is a good striker. What do you think is most important for you to beat her?

Hiroko Yamanaka: Not backing down. Keeping my own distance on the feet. Also, concentration!

MMA RISING: 強烈な打撃が武器のサイボーグを攻略するため、御自身が重要だと思われているポイントはなんでしょうか?

HIROKO: 下がらない事、自分の距離、集中力!!


MMARising.com: Jewels fights are in a ring and elbows are not allowed. Have you been training a lot with a cage and elbows for your Strikeforce fight?

Hiroko Yamanaka: Yes, I have been for about two years now.

MMA RISING: ジュエルズの各大会の試合はリングで行われ肘打ちも認められていません。そういった日本国内での試合とは違うルールでの試合を、いつ頃から視野にいれて練習をしていらっしゃったのでしょうか?

HIROKO: 二年前くらいです。


MMARising.com: When you face Cyborg, it will be for her Strikeforce title. How would you feel if you are able to become a champion in Strikeforce?

Hiroko Yamanaka: It’s my biggest chance to shine EVER!

MMA RISING: サイボーグ戦はストライクフォースの王座への挑戦でもあります。ストライクフォースのチャンピオンになるということは、あなたにとってどのような意味を持つのでしょうか?

HIROKO: 最大のチャンス!!


Hiroko Yamanaka Submits Esui At Jewels: "15th Ring" (Photo Credit: GBR)
Hiroko Yamanaka (bottom) submits Esui at Jewels: “15th Ring.” (Photo Credit: GBR)


MMARising.com: You have improved a lot since you began training with Master Japan. What are the most important skills that you have been learning at the gym?

Hiroko Yamanaka: I’d say my striking rhythm.

MMA RISING: 練習の場をマスター・ジャパンに移して以来、あなたの打撃の技術の向上には目を見張るものがあります。ジムで学んだ技術の中で最も重要なことはなんでしょうか?

HIROKO: リズム。


MMARising.com: Some Japanese fighters have struggled recently when fighting in the United States. Why do you think this has happened?

Hiroko Yamanaka: I try not to think too hard about it…I don’t really know why.

MMA RISING: 日本の総合格闘技全般についても少しお話を聞かせてください。これまでのところ、日本人選手がアメリカで苦戦したり思うような結果を出せなかったりということが続いています。HIROKO選手自身はこのことをどのように見ていらっしゃいますか?

HIROKO: あまり難しく考えた事ないんでわかりません。


MMARising.com: MMA is not as popular in Japan as it was before PRIDE closed in 2007. What needs to change to make MMA more popular again?

Hiroko Yamanaka: Exciting fights and more star fighters!

MMA RISING: 残念ながら2007年のプライド活動停止以降、総合格闘技は日本でかつての人気を失ってしまいました。再び人気を得るためには何が必要でしょうか?

HIROKO: 熱いファイト&スター!!


MMARising.com: Do you think that female fighters receive enough opportunities to fight in Japan?

Hiroko Yamanaka: Well, it’s still difficult right now, but I hope that opportunities will increase.

MMA RISING: 日本では女性にもプロの格闘家としての活動のチャンスが充分あるとお考えでしょうか?

HIROKO: 難しい…でもそうなってほしいです。


MMARising.com: Some female fighters retire after only a few years. How much longer would you like to fight in MMA?

Hiroko Yamanaka: I haven’t decided yet, so I don’t really have any idea right now.

MMA RISING: 選手の中にはほんの数年のプロ活動のあと、諸事情で引退を余儀なくされる人もいます。HIROKO選手はどれくらい総合格闘技を続けたいとお考えでしょうか?

HIROKO: それは特に決めてないんでわかりません。


MMARising.com: Do you have a message that you would like to send to Strikeforce fans in North America?

Hiroko Yamanaka: USA, here I come! I’m gonna show you a great fight in Strikeforce! Thanks for all of the support!

MMA RISING: アメリカのファン、そしてストライクフォースのファンに何かメッセージをお願いします。

HIROKO: アメリカ進出やった~。ストライクフォース頑張るぞ!!みんな宜しく!!


Hiroko Yamanaka faces Cristiane “Cyborg” Santos for the Strikeforce Women’s Featherweight Championship at Strikeforce: “Melendez vs Masvidal” on December 17th. The event takes place at the Valley View Casino Center in San Diego, California and airs live on Showtime in the United States and Super Channel in Canada.



(Main Photo Credit: Jewels)

  1. Nice outlook.
    She’s going to catch a beatdown.
    Cyborg in 1.